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How to Take Action with Plus Media

Jordan P. Kelley, Content Director, Brand Storytelling

Picture this – you’re watching television and you see a commercial addressing climate change. As you watch, each point made in the ad grabs your attention, and in that moment, you’re experiencing an emotional response that moves you to action. In that moment, you really want to do something about it. But just as soon as you’ve reached peak interest, the ad ends, possibly flashing a URL for you to get more info or giving you a number to call. Before you can even consider taking the step that requires you to remember a web address or number you just saw, the next commercial is on, your attention is somewhere else, and you never visit that climate change website or call that phone number.

Our media experience is full of moments like these. It happens during advertisements, watching documentaries and listening to podcasts; we’re constantly being keyed into social, political, economic and environmental causes that could use our attention, and yet most people don’t take action, even when they feel strongly that they want to. Why?

Julie Davitz, having worked in the social impact space for decades, grew frustrated with raising awareness and stoking inspiration around great causes only to see action behind those causes go uninitiated. To solve for this issue, Davitz launched Plus Media. Her solution-oriented company addresses the pain point it was founded to solve at the source by implementing tools that make it simple and seamless for audiences to act at the exact moment they’re feeling most inspired.

Brand Storytelling Director Rick Parkhill sat down with the Plus Media Solutions Founder to learn more about how media makers can utilize the services offered by Plus Media in order to enable audiences to take positive action around the causes they support.

Learn more about Plus Media - visit their website


About Julie Davitz

Julie Davitz is an internationally recognized impact leader. Prior to founding Plus Media Solutions, Inc, she was Head of Impact Solutions for BNP Paribas/Bank of the West, the 8th largest private bank in the world, where she was responsible for developing the bank's strategic wealth efforts towards sustainability and impact. She had her own global consulting firm and worked with hundreds of organizations from the US to India to Africa. Her perspective and deep experience with nonprofits, for profit companies and UHNW philanthropists and investors has led to her being an in demand speaker and panel participant at major conferences. Julie recognizes the urgency of interest, the rise in viable solutions and the technological delivery mechanisms. Her vision is to connect these three to offer scalable actions in order to address our 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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