Fight Fire with Community: Fundraising for the Los Angeles Fire Department

The recent wildfires in California have devastated homes, businesses, and communities. All of us, no matter where we live, have close ties to friends, families and colleagues in the production and entertainment capital of the world. We are reeling and want to help.
That’s why we’re rapidly galvanizing this community to make a difference.
We’re partnering with the LAFD Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing the critical resources and equipment that firefighters need to save lives and keep our communities safe.

We are committed to amplifying stories of bravery, resilience, and community, and this fundraiser is one way we can give back. Every donation, no matter the size, helps to protect our loved ones, homes, and neighborhoods.
Please join us in making a difference. Together, we can ensure that our firefighters have the resources they need to continue their life-saving work.

Visit the BrandStorytelling x LAFD Foundation GoFundMe Page.
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This is an important cause to support. Helping the Los Angeles Fire Department ensures our heroes have the resources to continue saving lives and protecting communities. Every contribution counts, no matter how small. Let's make a difference together! iogamesio