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Carolina Performing Arts Continues Short Film Series with 'The Women of Artists x Athletes'

BrandStorytelling + Myriad

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Video Agency Myriad began their collaboration with Carolina Performing Arts last year to produce original art films that demonstrate the parallels between performing arts and athletics. Episode two of the Carolina Performing Arts 'Artists are Athletes. Athletes are Artists' series focuses on women who are at the top of their artistic and athletic games.

For the second installment of the 'Artists are Athletes. Athletes are Artists.' series for Carolina Performing Arts, Myriad filmed renowned dancer Michelle Dorrance and UNC soccer star Sam Meza.

The concept was dreamt up by Alison Friedman, CPA Executive and Creative Director, over drinks with her brother Nick. Because the first video was a huge hit, Myriad was challenged to raise the bar for both themselves and their amazing collaborators at CPA.

Myriad had cameras rolling on the crew and talent to get a behind the scenes look at the process of upping the ante, resulting in a behind the scenes featurette:

The origins of the film's idea lie in the childhood of Alison Friedman, Executive and Artistic Director for Carolina Performing Arts. She was a dancer and her brother was a basketball player.

From an early age, she saw the similarities between the two art forms, and as Artistic Director at CPA, she knew a video could easily bridge cultures and illustrate the commonalities between artists and athletes.

"Artists and athletes alike practice to nail down their techniques, so when they step into the spotlight, everything falls away. They can do what they do best in a flow state. At Myriad, we do the same for our productions and our clients," said Spike Hoban, Creative Director at Myriad.


Check out Episode One here

Learn more about video production agency Myriad


About Myriad

Myriad is a digital video agency based out of Raleigh, North Carolina. Their expertise is finely-honed video production skills backed with fresh ideas, in-depth strategy, and seamless client services. After decades of working with Fortune 1000 clients on everything from episodic series, to one-off videos— the studio has become deeply adaptable, offering video animation services, commercial video production, video marketing services, non-profit production services, and more. Though based in Raleigh, NC, Myriad offers services in New York and other national markets.

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