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BEN & The Expanding Landscape for Branded Integration

The value exchange between consumers and advertisers is no longer a fair trade. Audiences can find their content without having to watch a single ad if they so wish, and advertisers are re-tooling their strategies and teams to make a bigger splash in deep end of the content pool.

Branded Integration has, and always will be, one of the most effective ways to get around interruptive advertising. You can showcase products and/or services, up-the-ante on brand recognition, or even show a little personality. However, there is little room for KPI’s, brand messaging, and monetization. It’s not like General Motors can put a link at the bottom of “House of Cards” and measure CTRs. But, when it comes to fragmentation, it’s not just the creators and consumers that benefit from content-anywhere-anytime. Brands have a new platform to jump from in their efforts to make that splash. Brands— or, should I say; “content studios” now have the opportunity to match the film industry on how much original content is readily available. We see it from PepsiCo, Red Bull, JW Marriott, DICK’s Sporting Goods, and many more. If you can’t find the right content to integrate your brand into, create your own.

BEN (Branded Entertainment Network), is leading the charge in seamlessly integrating brands into quality content across film, television, OTT, and digital influencers. I had the pleasure of attending their Integration Summit back in November of 2016, where I sat down with members of their team, as well as a few speakers on their panel including Chris Moore (Good Will Hunting, American Pie, Manchester By The Sea), Michael Sugar (Spotlight, The Knick, The OA), and Furious Pete.

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